Surveyor Support for Solicitors and Conveyancers

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors has long worked closely with Solicitors. Our experience has shown that many property enquiries have both legal and building aspects.

Leasehold Dilapidations

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors are equally at home acting for landlord or tenant. Our advice is underpinned by a detailed study of the lease and licenses. Our schedules of dilapidations are methodically and rigorously prepared and the claim diligently pursued. Claims are robustly defended taking account of the PLA protocol and case law seeking initially to undermine or dismiss the claim and only getting into detailed negotiation if the claim is unavoidable. We are always realistic in what can be achieved taking account of LTA S18(1) and the Leasehold Property Repairs Act and we don’t lose sight of the cost in fees of achieving it.

Click here for more information regarding leasehold dilapidations.

Expert Witness

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors are called upon to be an expert witness in cases of building dispute. For example as an expert for either party or as Single Joint Expert we can assist the court to understand what the intended works were, what is described by the documents & drawings, what is the contractual position, what was actually built and whether or not it is sound and in compliance with the design. Our reports are prepared in accordance with the CPR and RICS Practice Statement. Find out more about our building dispute service.

Party Walls

As clients are becoming more aware of their rights and obligations we frequently receive party wall related instructions from developers or from neighbouring owners. Using the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 we ensure that procedures are followed, recording the condition of the neighbouring property and leading to publication of a Party Wall Award. Normally this facilitates a trouble free project but if not we use the provisions of the Act to bring matters to a close. Early involvement can ensure that Party Wall issues are addressed at design stage.

Building Survey Reports

Large or small, freehold or leasehold, traditional construction or modern, a Building survey is needed. Our reports are detailed but concisely summarised and include indicative costs to aid negotiation. If a Schedule of Condition is needed to limit leasehold liabilities this can be provided at the same time. Our reports cost a tiny fraction of the property costs and often save the client from substantially higher liabilities. For portfolio transactions, due diligence reports or strategic maintenance or stock condition reports can be prepared.

If you would like to speak to us regarding a property related matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Surveyor Support for Social Housing/ Housing Associations